We want to make your visit as easy as possible and provide a warm welcome. The menu below should answer all your questions about your visit to Chapelwood. Please feel free to click the Contact Us button below if you need additional information.
About Us
We are part of the United Methodist Church. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and the Lord of all.
At Chapelwood, our goal is to make Christ-Centered Connections with others.
Worship Service
Begins at 10:00 AM
You may sit anywhere in the Sanctuary or have an Usher/Greeter guide you.
Bibles are available in the pews.
Services follow a printed bulletin.
Songs are a blend of contemporary and traditional with lyrics shown on large screens.
An offering is collected during the service which is used to support the various ministries of Chapelwood UMC. There is no expectation or obligation for our guests to contribute.
Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome to receive it regardless of denomination; it is the Lord's table, not Chapelwood's.
We are a diverse congregation but have a strong desire to fellowship and worship together.
After the Service, we would ask you to visit with our Greeters at the "New to Chapelwood" table just outside the sanctuary entrance doors in the lobby area. Here you can meet the pastor and talk to our Greeters about any questions you may have.
Want more insight into our worship service? CLICK HERE
Our address is 300 Willow Drive in Lake Jackson, Texas. As you enter the campus the Sanctuary / Worship Center is the large building you see from Willow Drive.
We recommend that you enter through our main door on the side of the building facing the parking lot.
Parking Lot Greeters are ready to welcome and assist you in finding your way. At the door you will be welcomed by Ushers, who will give you a printed bulletin, and trained Greeters, who can answer questions you may have.
Refreshments are available in the lobby, in the tiled area outside the Sanctuary.
Parking is readily available. There are ample handicap spaces located directly in front of the main sanctuary entrance as well as "Guest Parking" spots on the side of the sanctuary. Signage will direct you to these spaces.
Dress Code
We have no dress code and no one is turned away based on how they are dressed. Dress is a variety from jeans to suits, dresses to skirts and slacks. God looks at our hearts, not our clothes.
We encourage parents to include their children in our worship service. However, a fully staffed nursery is available should you wish to use it for your children under four years of age. Please look for signage in the lobby, or ask a greeter or usher to direct you to the nursery.
Sunday School
Sunday School at Chapelwood is known as the Sunday Morning Grow Hour for children and adults. There are several choices if you are interested. Please feel free to ask one of our Greeters for information and directions to our Growth Groups.
There are four adult groups that meet at 9:00 AM each Sunday. There are two that meet immediately after the 10:00 AM Worship Service at around 11:00 AM.
The Children's Grow Hour meets at 9:00 AM.
The Youth Grow Hour meets at 9:00 AM in the Youth Center.
If you would like more information about our Sunday Morning Grow Hour, please CLICK HERE.